Marlise’s photographs were taken with a Nikon D7000 camera. Her images have been published in such books as Fodor’s, Costa Rica Surf Guide, and Day Hikes & Overnights on the Pacific Crest Trail. Print media has utilized her photographs in a variety of publications including Union Tribune, Transworld, and San Diego Magazine.
Costa Rica Surf Guide
Published by Airborne Media
Released September 2008
Marlise Kast-Myers served as a contributing photographer
Surfline’s Costa Rica Surf Guide gives surf travelers all the information they need to have the best trip possible in the bi-coastal, wave-rich paradise of Costa Rica. This unique pocket-size guide gives surfers highly-detailed notes on everything from surf spots to lodging to restaurants to exclusive swell information on Central America’s most travel-friendly country.
In addition to featuring Surfline’s proprietary forecasting and bathymetry data, the 60-page guide features over 30 spots on the Pacific and Caribbean coasts and also offers a handy pullout map with an extensive business directory. Nothing else out there offers so much in-depth information in such a compact pocket guide book.
Day Hikes and Overnights on the Pacific Crest Trail: Southern California
From the Mexican Border to Los Angeles County
Published by Countrymann Press, a division of W.W. Norton & Company
Released March 2014
Marlise Kast-Myers photographed images for Day Hikes & Overnights on the PCT
Explore sections of the famous Pacific Crest Trail between the Mexican border and Los Angeles County. Travel writer Marlise Kast-Myers includes both easy day hikes and extended overnight trips. Each route is accompanied by a detailed topographical map and the book is filled with spectacular color photos.
The Pacific Crest Trail is one of America’s great long-distance hiking routes. The PCT follows the mountains from the Mexican border in the south all the way to the Canadian border in the north. Cheryl Strayed’s bestselling Wild led huge numbers of Americans to hear about the PCT for the first time. Now Kast-Myers gives you the tools you need to get out and explore sections of that fabled route for yourself. There are 100 color photographs throughout the guidebook.